Monday, December 19, 2005

Hi Mum, Hi Dad.

Yesterday I went out to Castlepoint beach and caught a few fish, I also managed to drink a dozen Tui and burn my face the colour of my mane. I was successful with my first cast, hooked up a beauty of a Kahawai and then Tangaroa managed to hide all his fish from me for a few hours. The tide was falling and we knew that we would have to wait for the tide to push again so occupied ourselves with a few beers, keeping our eye on the water, which incidently was a turquoise colour which means the water is clear and coldish. That is good. About three hours from high tide the fish started biting again and Johan and myself pulled in 5 Carpet Sharks, 1 Spiny Dog Fish, 1 smallish Gurnard and my prize fish, only rumoured to habit the Wairarapa coastline infrequently a Snapper, bloody good size too. Fried that sucker up. It was a pretty good day out there, especially as we were the only people out there who were actually catching any thing! Suckers, they should have honed their skills with an Eastern Province Fishing Champ!

Not much has been happening, so I'm gonna write a list of the 3 best songs in the world, feel free as no doubt (Won't make the list) you will any way.

1) Smells Like Teen Spirit NIRVANA

I've just realised how hard it is too pick the best songs so I'm gonna go have a think about it and will get back to you all on that.

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