Wednesday, April 25, 2007


At school my students write a diary and it is my job to correct it, I kid turned in a set of stories that I gotta tell you as I inspired it, I'll write it down exactly as I recieved it. Its from a 9 year old writing in his second language.

I fish pet
fish is cute.
I have a very many money.
I'll have fish.

i pet a 3 Goldfish.
pet a fish is very excited.

Today too, I feed a gold fish.
But fish can't moved!
I'm very surprised.
I touch a fish, but fish can't moved
Fish is Dead!
So, I'm sad.


Unknown said...

So wait....after all the loving attention and security breaches you went through to care for your fish, one still died???? WTF happened?

Rooster said...

Not my fish! He went and got his own to be like me and killed them with too much food!

Jimmy Jangles said...

Did he go out and drink heaps of whiskey and hit on chicks too? Its saturday and I'm going out but before I'm having a few JR specialz if you know what I mean!