Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Christmas that never was.

Today is boxing day and I've just finished work, over here they all take a day off for Xmas (by that I mean no school but everything else is open) but it is not in the middle of their Summer holidays like I'm used to. This is not a Christian country, though the missionaries made a good show of it( is that Cricket?), it could be called a Buddhist country but I've been reading up on Korea to find shit to do and places to go and all the books tell me that they don't really believe in anything, most are Atheists. But despite this everyone follows Confucius, which is not a religion but a train of thought, I think, so like all people they have got a set of rules, like don't slit throats or fuck ya mates girl or take a piss when it's your round. They just don't really care a lot. Which is fine by me.

They have bus drivers and the dudes in the middle of the street directing traffic wearing the red Father Christmas suit but not the raging commercial bollocks that plagues the world. And one thing I loved about Christmas in a non christian country.... no bloody Christmas carols, I did hear a Korean version of jingle bells twice and a few others... but generally no.

So I woke up on Christmas day with a phone call from Dad (The best), had a coffee, rung the rest of my folks all before 10am, time differences meant they were all half cut by then so I decided to have a drink as well. Soju for breakfast while watching the English movie channel, I got to see the last of the LOTR's, followed by a wee Christmas stroll to check out the Christmas tree in the Gimhae Sports and Arts centre, There I had my photo taken with a Korean family who also happened to be checking out the tree. I'm not entirely sure how that happened but I don't care. then off to the pub, my new local called Beer and Girls. There I got wished a Merry Christmas by a hot chick who spoke a little English. One of the best things about this place is being able to smoke inside the pub, so I'm making full use of it. I was drinking a German beer called Lowen Brau, and when that ran out I went home to bed.

So not much of a Christmas but a pretty cool day all the same, half boozed by lunch time, fully boozed by bed time and I don't remember doing anything stupid, like last Christmas.

P.S Merry Christmas to Everyone at home and my mates who aren't at home.

1 comment:

Asterix said...

Nice blog Dave! I'm definitely gonna keep checking this regularly, it brings back all these memories of when I left NZ and experiencing the various different cultures etc. It's giving me itchy feet just thinking about it actually. Anyway take care and keep blogging.

P.S. Lowewbrau is a great beer, I had a number of Steins at the Lowenbrau Hall at Oktoberfest, mmm beer.