Monday, December 18, 2006


It's Monday, I have sucessfully survived my first full week in Korea. I have now met all my students the vast majority of them are extremely keen to learn, I think maybe they all are but last week some didn't want to be in my classroom. Hopefully this is down to the fact that my classes are late at night and they have been up all day at their Primary schools, followed by all their sport and exta cirriculumn stuff and then have to go to a private school for extra English language classes.

The T.V programmes over here are hilarious, I can't follow any of them, they got a channel that is solely for Playstation games where people play each other on national television and the game is broadcast! They have got lots of Korean slapstick comedy that even though I can't understand it still makes me laugh. There are three English channels where I have the absolute honour of watching reruns of MacGeyver and The A-Team! plus Discovery which is very cool.

I spent yesterday walking around the city, I found this huge outdoor market that sells everything from a live octopus to socks to bread to electric blankets, it really is amazing what I found there. I spent hours walking around but in the late afternoon it started snowing so I decided to walk home, not knowing that I was over an hour from home and was bloody cold when I got back! That was the first time I have ever been in snowing snow!

I"m not too happy with those Sri Lankan Cricketers, did we really lose on the last ball of the last day? or am I a little lost in the translation?


SAS said...

Good one Dave, ya finally made it! Keep up the noticings of your new environs - they should make for interesting work time wasting. I'll be keen to hear about new people you meet and the drunken hi-jinks I'll know you'll get up to..


Rooster said...

Yeah bro, I've been drinking this local stuff called Soju, it's a rice wine that hovers around 20% every brew is different cause all the locals make it them selves. Tastes a bit like that cheap vodka Kristov that I used to drink at Uni.

Jimmy Jangles said...

Astle got out on the last ball of the day. we still lost in 3 and half days!

glad u went eeling. those thames tarts can be slippery customers.

Unknown said...

Yeah I can see the similarities between a rogue eel and us fatastic Thames Girls... the Ryan boys stop to admire their slinky smoothness, but try as they might they can't catch themselves one! ;o)

PS do you have an actual email Davey, or are blog comments the way to go?

Unknown said...

Damn it, I said FATastic!!