Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Years Part 2.

Well, I was going to go to this place called Geoungju for New Years but my plans drastically changed after bumping into some very cool people in a pub in Gimhae. I bumped into a crowd of Welsh, Aussies and Poms who all made me feel very welcome and got me pissed. I was invited to go into Busan with them so I figured it would be better to go with them rather than by myself to Geoungju. We decided to make a two day party so went a day early.

The first pub I went to was an Irish one called O'Briens. I had been told that if I wanted a Guinness there would be fuck all around but that place had some. So I dragged them off in that direction and had my Pint's. The place was small but had a few more Kiwi's in it so I was settling in when I was rudely dragged away from the keg of Genius and off to P.N.U which was apparently a place to be as it is near the University and had heaps of pubs and people my age there. It was pretty cool, went to a pub called Soul Trane which was selling Johnnie Black for $4 a pop and played some decent music then off to a hotel in Seomyeon.

The next day was New Years Eve, for breakfast I had two Long Island Ice Teas, my day was looking good! I checked out a few sights then met up with two very cool chicks who showed me a great time. We all started in a flat, played games, talked a lot of bollocks and went out. We had to take three different taxis to fit us all in. After we had all met up again I had already been to a few more bars, lost a few pool games and discovered some great new drinking buddies.

The actual New years was spent in another place that I forget what was called but was crowded with ex pats and had good music. After that back to Soul Trane for some serious partying. I'm a wee bit hazy on what came next but I do remember moshing to Killing in the name off, more Iced teas, a tiny blue car, a chick from Blackpool convincing a Korean Taxi driver that she was Princess' Diana's sister and a Big Mac.

What did all you guys get up to?

New years is not a big deal over here, they have there own one in Febuary that celebrates the first new Moon of the lunar cycle. Many people call it Chinese New Year but they got a different name for it over here! That little puppy runs for 3 days so I get a second New Year in two months time!

1 comment:

Jimmy Jangles said...

I like beer.