Monday, January 15, 2007

I just got Paid!

I just got my first pay check! I'm a millionaire! I'm off to the pub, I may be some time.

I spent the weekend in Jinju with an Irish chick and an English chick. Jinju is about and hour and a half away by bus. I didn't do any tourist shit, just got there, walked around the market then headed straight to a German pub where we played cards for hours, I learnt some cool new games, in particular a gambling one called New Market, after the race course. It involves two bets, a dummy hand, gambling and the obligatory drinking. It's pure luck with no skill involved, you can only lose out if the cards you need are in the dummy hand. Dad, before you say anything I lost about 90 cents.

While we were there a bunch of Koreans at the next table bought us food! It seems everywhere I go I get looked after. I can bowl on up to any local and with a lot of miming, pointing, smiling and my very few Korean words get what I need. They bend over backwards to help you. On Saturday we were trying to find a bar we got told about called Devil, we stopped a guy, he did not know but went into the nearest shop, they didn't know so they checked out the Internet for us. This all took about 10 minutes and I was thinking to myself would I do that for A Korean back home? I kind of doubt it but now I definitely would take the time to help out foreigners.

We only got kicked out of one bar this weekend, it was because we were too loud! Loud in a bar I hear you say, picture a drunk Irish chick, a smashed English chick and this Kiwi who likes a few too many, gambling over cards, everyone yelling, drinking and taking the piss out of each others accents and you might get the idea. After that place we eventually got to The Devil Bar which was much more amenable to our antics. We all walked in, spied some Wiguks (Foreigners) promptly became mates and taught them how to play New Market and started gambling again. The bar tenders at this place, two Koreans around 20ish started talking to us and it turned out that they were magicians! For hours they showed us tricks, some of them were totally brilliant. They were putting one ball in my hand clicking their fingers and there were two sitting in my hand. I know I was drunk but I was flabbergasted.

I didn't get up till three in the arvo on Sunday, this place is crazy and I'm loving it.


Tom said...

now then rooster, surely with two drunk women the rooster would not be scratching around for a hen...

yep, am considering going to sydney even without the scholarship - just need some savings. better get back to work

Rooster said...

I don't have to scratch... Come to Korea to make money, The salary is average by Kiwi Standards about 45K but it is cheap to live here and with free rent I can save heaps, then go to Sydney.