Thursday, February 22, 2007

Food in Seoul

I forgot to mention earlier the weird food I had on the weekend. The first was a can of drink that I got out of a vending machine, it was bloody cold boiled rice in a can! Tasted just like it sounds.
The second was at a restaurant called Bennington's, it's a western style place. We went there because it was close to the train station and we needed to eat in a hurry as we were running a little late. I had had a serious binge weekend and wasn't feeling up to eating much so I thought I would play it safe and order a sandwich. I asked for a Turkey and Ham, what I got is criminal. It was a Turkey and Ham sandwich all right but it had been battered and then deep fried. With icing sugar on top! I nearly vomited, one bite was all I could take. It gets worse, I got a bowl of fries on the side, fair enough I thought. It came with a red dipping sauce. I was thinking so far so good, until I tasted the shit. It was bloody raspberry jam.

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