Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I'm Early.

Last night I went to bed at midnight, by 4am I was still fighting the sleep so I got up and cleaned my flat, then watched a movie and now It is nearly 9am and I have found myself at work. This may sound normal but I don't usually start work until 3pm and what is even weirder is that today is my easy day and I don't start work till a quarter past four. So why am I here? Cause I was bored at home and thought I should come into work and see what's interesting.

One thing I did find out is never ever again walk past the public school around the corner (Uam Elementary) at half Eight in the morning, I know they learn English over here but I can't take 50 "Hello, how are you, where are you from, America?" in a row from these bloody smiling little school kids. Why can't they be like Kiwi school kids and not smile on the way to school?

Today was also the first time that I unlocked the door to my school, Cause I'm the last to leave every night I have locked it on numerous occasions and setting the alarm is a piece of cake, but not disarming it! I got a screaming automatic voice in Korean saying do something, I had to remember back to my first day when I was told what to do by my boss who speaks very little English. Bloody nightmare, I hope it's off and I haven't tripped some kind of silent alarm as there is no way my Korean is good enough to explain the situation to a security guard.

I suppose I could write up next weeks lesson plans, or clean my classroom but a coffee and smoke followed by checking out Bebo sounds much better.

I get paid again this week, more millions of dosh coming my way, I couldn't even spend the last lot of millions I got and by the grace of Tangaroa I tried. Jangles, you must be pissed that I earnt a cool mill before you did!


Jimmy Jangles said...

Guess the beers are on you then!

Rooster said...

Hell yeah, come over and I'll shout all night long.