Thursday, February 08, 2007

He aint gonna die

I've known this dude from America for about a month, last night was his leaving party, he's going back home for a while then off to teach in The Czech Republic but the real reason that I am writing about him is because last night I discovered that he is from a small town in Seattle called Olympia, the next small down down the road is a place called Aberdeen. Any one got my drift yet? He was a uni student during the beginning of the Grunge Explosion, we spent all night talking about bands he has seen and gigs he bled at and of course the musicians that he knew cause he was from the same town, went to school with, drunk with, and boiled up mushrooms with. I was in awe of this guy as story after story popped out. He saw all the Bands, NIRVANA, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, L7, Mudhoney, The Melvins, Stone Temple Pilots. He told me two stories about God, the first time he met this stooped over skinny guy in op shop clothes was in a bar and they got to talking about nothing in particular and ended up playing pool together. Those of you that know me can imagine how I was sitting right on the edge of my seat, drooling at the thought of playing Pool with Kurt Cobain. The short quiet skinny guy won the game!

The other story was how he and a friend were in a convience store and in walks Cobain and Courtney Love. She walks up to the two of them and asks his mate to approach Kurt and say "Hey, your Eddie Vedder I love Pearl Jam and I'm your biggest fan!" She offers him $5 to do this. He thought about it and reasoned this is my chance to talk to Cobain, even if I am fucking with him. So he did. Love was pissing herself with laughter and Cobain walked out without saying a word.


Jimmy Jangles said...

You had me at aberdeen!

Unknown said...

That. Is sooooooooo fucking cool.