Friday, February 23, 2007

Trim and Proper

Last night I was drinking at the local and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I got a bit of a shock as it made me realise that I havn't had a hair cut in almost 4 months, I had finished work so was wearing some nice clothes etc and I saw this mop of flowing Ginga locks shooting off to mate with Medusa. It did not look right so this morning I ventured into a hair dressers and popped my Korean hair cut cherry. Bugger me, did they do a good job. I was worried what was going to happen as I don't have enough Korean to explain how I wanted my hair to look and the hair dresser had no English. I just sat there, smiled, pretended my hands were scissors, ran them through my hair , she smiled and nodded and then proceeded to give me the works. I got my hair washed, a head and shoulders massage, a cut, a further shampoo and a smile goodbye all for less than 5 Kiwi bucks.

Think I might go back next week..


taylor2679 said...

Hi David! It's your cousin Sara:) I spoke w/ Grandmother today and she was telling me about your Korean adventures, then mom told me to read your blog to see how things are really going:) I hope you are enjoying yourself, sounds like you are! Feel free to e-mail me at Have a great weekend!

Jimmy Jangles said...

Its dave's big bro here and he says don't believe the truth.... word to your mumma!!