Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Spring is here.

Last night it started raining, I have been here for two months and it has only rained three times but last night we had some proper rain. Over here the warmer weather signifies rain, usually when the sun goes down and the temperature drops a little. Warmer air can hold more moisture than cooler air and as it's humid during the day when the sun goes down that moisture just drops outta the sky. One good thing about it is that this morning everything was clean, no air pollution settling everywhere and the manky smell has some what disappeared, I'm sure it will be back.

Yesterday I experienced my first piece of Korean racism towards me, I was trying to become a member of the Korean Train Network so I can get cheaper fares. I was told that because I wasn't a Korean with Korean identification that it wasn't allowed, so I pulled out my Korean government issued Foreign Alien Registration card and it was hinted that I still wasn't Korean and they couldn't help me. Fuckers I want that discount.

1 comment:

Jimmy Jangles said...

Sure it wasn't gingerism?

Suggest you find a new teller, a young chick...